Why Fatima Payman’s move to the Chamber caused a debate in the Labour Party

For the first time since 2005, an Australian Labor Party (ALP) senator has taken to the floor in an act of defiance against party rules.
Western Australian Senator Fatima Payman broke ranks earlier this week to support a motion calling on Australia to formally recognise Palestinian statehood.
Now, at the request of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Payman has been told he will not be allowed to attend Labor caucus meetings for the remainder of the parliamentary session, which ends on July 4.
Payman said she had crossed the floor “for humanity” and pointed out what she called an inconsistency in Labor’s position on the issue.

“We cannot believe in two-state solutions and only recognize one.”

Why did Payman cause such a fuss when he came over?

It is rare for Labor members to vote against their party.
The last time a Labor MP spoke was in 2005 when Tasmanian MP Harry Quick asked for his name to be included in the Hansard as a dissent to anti-terrorism legislation.
The last time a Labour MP left the party while it was in power was in 1988. Before that it was in 1986. Both times the MP was suspended.

According to the ALP’s internal rules, members are not allowed to dissent from the party’s position. In the past, members have even been expelled from the party (not just suspended) for dissenting voices.

The ALP has made a formal pledge requiring parliamentarians to vote along party lines. With this, the party wants to ensure that a united front is presented during the vote in parliament.
In contrast, members of the Liberal and National parties may formally vote against their party’s positions – but dissent is still relatively rare.
However, following Payman’s stance, Labor has indicated that she will not be immediately suspended or expelled from the party.

“The senator says she maintains strong Labor values ​​and plans to continue representing the West Australians who elected her as a Labor senator,” a government spokesperson said.

“There is no mandatory sanction in these circumstances and previous faction members have been there before without being expelled.
“As reflected in our amendment, the government supports the recognition of a Palestinian state as part of a peace process towards a two-state solution.”
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Friday his position was “very clear”.

“We expect people to participate in and adhere to our caucus processes,” Albanese told reporters.

What has Payman said since then?

Speaking to 6 News, Payman said she had been receiving “a lot of welfare checks” from her colleagues since Tuesday.
“Many have shown their support for my mental health so I don’t feel alone,” she said.

Payman said she could face “additional punishment” within the party, but that this had not yet been determined.

What did other parliamentarians say?

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong said she understands why members of the Labor caucus are angry at Payman’s decision.
“I can understand why caucus members feel upset because we are a party of the collective and our expectation is that Senator Payman will abide by caucus decisions,” Wong told Nine’s Today Show.

Other Labour Party members agreed with Wong, pointing to previous instances where they had stuck to the party line.

Wong, who is gay and married her partner this year, admitted she “had to” vote against Greens motions in support of same-sex marriage in 2008 and 2010 because the Labor Party was opposed.
Western Australian senator Louise Pratt told The Australian, referring to marriage equality: “Although it was difficult to be committed at the time, we knew we had to change the whole government position.”
“It was a long-term issue of using the party’s support to achieve that outcome.”

Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi said he was proud of Payman’s decision to suspend the debate.

A woman wearing a keffiyeh rests her arm on the shoulders of a younger woman wearing a headscarf. Both sit on red Senate benches.

Senator Mehreen Faruqi (left) of the Greens has been a fierce critic of the government over the war in Gaza and has applauded the recent actions of Senator Fatima Payman (right) of Labor. Source: MONKEY / Mick Tsikas

“I am so proud and happy of my friend Senator Payman who had the courage, conviction and principle to support this motion and take the floor – which showed true moral courage,” Faruqi said in a statement.

Less impressed with the decision was Liberal Senator James Paterson, who says Payman’s actions posed “a direct challenge” to Albanese’s authority as Labor leader.
“If there are no consequences for Senator Payman, he will be a weak prime minister not only in your eyes and mine, but in the eyes of his own caucus members,” Paterson said.
It is not the first time Payman has publicly disagreed with Labor’s policies.
Medio may, and issued a veiled criticism of the prime minister, accusing Australian leaders of making “performative gestures”.
After crossing the floor, Payman said she would continue to advocate for what she believes is right.
‘I was not chosen as a symbolic representative of diversity. I was elected to serve the people of Western Australia and uphold the values ​​that my late father instilled in me.

“Today I made a decision that he would be proud of, and that anyone who stands on the side of humanity would be proud of.”

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