Christians must vote for the sake of culture and the Constitution

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in California called out Christians who don’t vote as disobeying God’s will; as shirkers of their Bible-based responsibilities and callings; as cowards who encourage evil; and as rejecters of the truth. Last Sunday he did so from the pulpit.

That this is news at all shows how far America has strayed from the ideals of the Founding Father.

As Hibbs said, “Election sermons have been preached on this continent for almost 400 years.”

So what happened to make the politics from the pulpit seem so radical in the eyes of so many Americans?

Leftists – Democrats – secularists and atheists – have successfully silenced much of the Christian voice in politics in recent decades, and they have done so by threatening action from the Internal Revenue Service, by threatening lawsuits, by threatening protests, intimidation campaigns and street rallies. and media-fueled public condemnations. Frankly, they have done this with the consent of Christians who have failed to resist pressure from the left and keep faith and biblical values ​​alive in government.

All this pushing of the Bible into the public marketplace is having a disastrous effect on American politics, culture, and society as a whole. It has become a nation ruled by human will – by carnal desire – by humanistic lust – rather than by divine virtues and care and regard for an ever-watchful Creator.

Just look at the LGBTQ agenda. Not only does it prove to be a destructive force that continually attacks God’s plans for the family and for His children, eroding the traditional building block of all functioning societies; it has also wreaked havoc on the mental stability of an entire nation.

Think about it. There is truly nothing in life as fundamental as the truth about what it means to be a man versus what it means to be a woman. Males have XY sex chromosomes; females have XX. Males have male sexual organs; females have female genitalia. Males produce sperm; females produce eggs.

But leave in the crazy edge, and suddenly these biological truths become cause for controversy. Suddenly the idea of ​​two genders and only two genders, as created by God, becomes restrictive, restrictive and offensive. Suddenly calling a man a man and a woman a woman, and insisting that men do manly things and women do womanly things — like using bathrooms, public locker rooms and school showers that correspond to their respective genders — is hate speech – is a hateful act.

Confusion comes.

Chaos results.

And that all works to end the Constitution.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other country,” as John Adams warned.

“The Constitution will not work for you… if you live carnally,” Hibbs warned in his sermon.

This is common sense. But where atheism wanders, wisdom departs. This nation will surely be destroyed because of lack of knowledge.

The solution for America – for an education system that fills children’s heads with radical anti-American and godless ideas; for an economy filled with debt and fueled by fiat money and fake money; for a political class that sets itself apart and above the taxpayers who provide their salaries; for a broken border that rewards lawlessness and punishes lawlessness; for all the crap that normally goes on in the entertainment industry; for a woke business world that is pushing the rot even further onto the American public; for a rapidly crumbling model of governance that upholds individualism and rejects collectivism, in all its various socialist, progressive, communist and Marxist ways – the solution to everything that is wrong with America is: thing, thing, thing, that Americans return to God.

That means Christians must vote.

That means that those who know God best must have an active voice in their educational systems, in the business and financial worlds, in political offices.

When those who best understand the concepts that form the basic idea of ​​American Exceptionalism – that of God-given rights and freedoms – refuse to engage in government, in the political world, in culture, in society as a whole and not just in church on Sunday the site is handed over to the secularists; to the humanists; to the atheists; to the ‘staples’.

And wickedness becomes the land.

“The Bible says to him who knows good and does not do it, to him it is sin,” Hibbs said.

For those who know which candidate best represents the divine principles of life, liberty and justice and do not vote, the country is becoming sinful.

“[Politicians] They used to be called civil servants,” Hibbs said. “Now we serve them.”

Who is to blame? The tens of millions of Christians who have not voted over the years, and who are predicted not to vote in November.

Christians who refuse to vote have only themselves to blame.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, ‘Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom’, is available at click HERE or click HERE or CLICK HERE.

Cheryl K. Chumley

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